Ice Storm Saga
An adventure I could have done without.

Part Two of Three:
What was happening…

For a while people were dependent on battery-powered radios and the news was: Everyone please stay put. Don’t get out. Churches are canceled. Couldn’t get there anyway – don’t try!

All public gatherings were canceled. News reporters were hoarse with the constant reading of long lists of cancellations. If you are not an emergency worker, stay home! I have been told that workers in hospital Emergency Rooms know what the weather outside is doing by the types of injuries they see coming in.

One good thing that came from it was: Flu took a downturn while schools were closed temporarily.

There was no newspaper for a few days. Delivery was impossible. I could imagine our faithful carrier struggling to get through the dangerous, impassable roads and walkways. It did not keep her away many days, what a trooper she was, best we ever had.

Once we had electrical power again, it was good to have television back; now we could keep a finger on the pulse of what was happening. As the ice left, everyone looked around and thought: What are we going to DO with all this stuff!

In a few weeks the word from city hall was telling people to pile it along the streets and the city would send trucks with grinding machines around to grind it up. They would then take it to the municipal composting site. Later, free compost would be available for those who could come get it.

But we do not have “city services” in our neighborhood! I wondered if this would be considered an exceptional situation and they would include us. It was exceptional, all right. They finally did, but it took those overworked machines, trucks and men all spring and summer to get around to all areas – finally!

People about town got very impatient, and grumbling was heard as grass grew up and through the stacks of limbs. Visitors from out of town said Lexington looked “terrible” with those piles of brush along all the streets. Well, such things take time… lots of time. It had never happened here to this extent before.

In the meanwhile: We worked. Cold as it was, I was perspiring and finally shed that down coat and went back to my old, worn yard-work coat. When I felt thirsty I had an unusual treat.

Keep in mind it was February. There are two large sugar maple trees in the front yard and sap was rising when the storm hit. Thousands of tiny twigs were broken and each tiny broken twig dripped sap that froze into little slushy icicles. Both trees were adorned with thousands of little icicles about three to six inches long. Throughout my life I have collected memories of special sights I hope I never forget, and this was one of them!

When I became thirsty, I went over to a low branch and nibbled maple sap slush. It was sweet. But, I wondered why it did not have the familiar maple flavor. Some months later as I read an article about making maple syrup, I learned why.

It explained that sap has to be collected before the trees break buds for once they do the syrup does not have maple flavor. And, that is what happened. Our trees had broken buds starting in late January. Our winters seem to be getting warmer and warmer. I suspect the changing climate will affect the New England maple syrup industry, I am sorry to say.

-To Be Continued-

Below are some photos taken by Husband/Best Friend/Chief Photographer on day five. Much of the ice had melted.

To Continue to Ice Storm Part 3 of 3 (Click Here)

To Continue to Ice Storm Part 3 of 3 (Click Here)